chimpanzee vs. human facial expressions, part I

Chimpanzee orbicularis ocuil + brow ridge anatomy diagram

Chimpanzees and humans have many things in common when it comes to facial expressions and facial structure; however, they also have many significant differences! Below is a series of imagery focusing on an action affected by the prominent brow ridge seen in chimpanzees: cheek raiser – an orbicularis oculi (orbital portion) action. Observe the key differences and similarities.


ARKit to FACS cheat sheet

If you or your team are using open-source face tracking kits, figuring out what’s what can be challenging. Navigate the ambiguity with the FACS Translation Sheet!


Bypassing VR Headset Occlusion in Face Tracking – PREVIEW

VR headset occlusion guide

There is a superstition among engineers and researchers that you cannot track facial landmarks (features like the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth) when they fall outside the camera view. This belief is not entirely true. You can still track facial movements despite occlusion, and here’s how!


animation tips for smiles

The tendency to exaggerate lid tightener-like qualities during moments intended to express happiness or sentimentalism results in a look a little too close to the infamous “smizing” expression. Such a look may please Tyra Banks, but this isn’t America’s Next Top Model.


bias in emotion tracking

AU23 - lip tightener - Facial Action Coding System - FACS

We seem to subscribe to the popular oversimplification that machines are less biased than humans; however, if you are familiar with the ways in which machines are trained to read and focus on different aspects of data, you will know: It’s just not that simple.