chimpanzee vs. human facial expressions, part I

Chimpanzee orbicularis ocuil + brow ridge anatomy diagram

Chimpanzees and humans have many things in common when it comes to facial expressions and facial structure; however, they also have many significant differences! Below is a series of imagery focusing on an action affected by the prominent brow ridge seen in chimpanzees: cheek raiser – an orbicularis oculi (orbital portion) action. Observe the key differences and similarities.

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animation tips for smiles

The tendency to exaggerate lid tightener-like qualities during moments intended to express happiness or sentimentalism results in a look a little too close to the infamous “smizing” expression. Such a look may please Tyra Banks, but this isn’t America’s Next Top Model.

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bias in emotion tracking

AU23 - lip tightener - Facial Action Coding System - FACS

We seem to subscribe to the popular oversimplification that machines are less biased than humans; however, if you are familiar with the ways in which machines are trained to read and focus on different aspects of data, you will know: It’s just not that simple.

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